
Half truths, White Lies, Blatant Deceptions

Slalu nye kalau ade orang kantoi menipu, may it be in any sort of circumstance, diorang akan try to save diri sendiri to a certain degree.. Kadang2 tak kantoi pon... But still they feel the need to justify to themselves that ape yang diorang buat tu (i.e menipu) is something acceptable and in extreme cases DIPERLUKAN.. Lets just put on our observation goggles for a while and look at what ketige2 bende ni actually means..

-Half Truths-
This is the most safe thing to use.. Simpan information.. Jangan bagitau sume.. Basically jadi kan story tu macam cheese.. Holes here, there, everywhere!!.. Very useful if tau diri sendiri blabber mouth dan akan cerita kat orang ramai.. At least biler orang ramai tu bergossip about yu (inevitable if yu are one who likes to talk about anything and everything on God's green earth) takkan ade discrepencies dalam compilation story diorang..

-White Lies-
Owh yess.. The matyr.. Good intentions leading the way.. The ever so famous white lie.. Digunakan when penipuan yang berlaku is for a good reason.. Contohnyer, anda gi open house rumah kawan anda/bos mak anda /pak cik anda /gerlpren anda... Makanan yang di sajikan sumpah tak sedap.. Tapi bile ditanye.. Anda senyum menjawab.. Delicious!!! walaupon dalam hati tuhan je yang tahu dah terbayang2 kfc sebab lapar giler tapi tak sanggup nak tambah makanan dan hadapi seround lagi..

and last but not least......

-Blatant Deceptions-
Yang ini.. Rase nye.. Tayah explain pon tak pe kot.. People use it almost every single day.. Its easier to do this than the previously mentioned categories.. Menipu terus... Banyak reasons why people do it.. Banyak care too!!.. You can lie with yur expression, smiling tapi secretly tgh giving the other person the finger behind yur back.. You can lie with yur actions and, of course, dengan lidah anda yang bercabang itu..

Frankly my friends.. To me.. Sume same.. They are all different words describing the same thing... you can call it whatever yu want.. You can list down a gazillion reasons on why yu did what yu did and said what yu said.. The bottom line is.. you lied.. simple.. T.I.P.U.... L.I.E... (arina can spell.. yayyy!!!)... at least when you own up to it.. though you lose my trust.. at least you salvage some of my respect for coming clean in the end.. And for those of you who believe white lies exists, get off your high horse and smell the coffee.. you have denial written all over your face..

So... on that note.. i, hereby declare that honesty is NOT my best policy.. due to the simple fact that i lie... everyday.. and that.. my friends.. is the truth.. =)

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