
To Sleep or Not To Sleep

I have had trouble sleeping for the past couple of days... Throughout the so called experience, i've picked up a few do's and don'ts... Just some tips on how to handle minor insomnia attacks..

- When you have trouble sleeping.. drinking 2 cups of nescafe late at night is not something you would wanna do.. demn yu si nikman for buying coffee mate for this house..

-Not enough sleep equals a fried up brain.. Hence, playing guitar hero at 4 am and getting pissed coz your fingers aren't doing what you're telling them to do doesn't help you one bit..

-The moment you feel sleepy.. Be it at 11 or 8.45... Prepare to sleep and make sure you wont get disturbed.. No sounds or bright lights to suddenly wake you up from the slumber that you have achieved because trust me.. Once you are woken up.. Getting back to sleep is impossible..

-Wake up early!! Regardless of what time you went to bed... 9 am is just nice.. And no naps!!! Spending all day in bed (since ere the day ends at 4 ish, it's not that hard to do) will definitely not help you correct your sleeping patterns..

-No matter where you are in the world.. Always remember to bring your Sejarah Malaysia (Tingkatan Lima) text book coz seriously.. No other book works better than this to just knock you right off to dreamland...

And there you go.. For all you other screwed up sleepers just like me..

p/s: tonight i have to sleep early coz tomorrow will be my first proper boxing day outing.. will tell you how that one goes.. fingers crossed!!!


Half truths, White Lies, Blatant Deceptions

Slalu nye kalau ade orang kantoi menipu, may it be in any sort of circumstance, diorang akan try to save diri sendiri to a certain degree.. Kadang2 tak kantoi pon... But still they feel the need to justify to themselves that ape yang diorang buat tu (i.e menipu) is something acceptable and in extreme cases DIPERLUKAN.. Lets just put on our observation goggles for a while and look at what ketige2 bende ni actually means..

-Half Truths-
This is the most safe thing to use.. Simpan information.. Jangan bagitau sume.. Basically jadi kan story tu macam cheese.. Holes here, there, everywhere!!.. Very useful if tau diri sendiri blabber mouth dan akan cerita kat orang ramai.. At least biler orang ramai tu bergossip about yu (inevitable if yu are one who likes to talk about anything and everything on God's green earth) takkan ade discrepencies dalam compilation story diorang..

-White Lies-
Owh yess.. The matyr.. Good intentions leading the way.. The ever so famous white lie.. Digunakan when penipuan yang berlaku is for a good reason.. Contohnyer, anda gi open house rumah kawan anda/bos mak anda /pak cik anda /gerlpren anda... Makanan yang di sajikan sumpah tak sedap.. Tapi bile ditanye.. Anda senyum menjawab.. Delicious!!! walaupon dalam hati tuhan je yang tahu dah terbayang2 kfc sebab lapar giler tapi tak sanggup nak tambah makanan dan hadapi seround lagi..

and last but not least......

-Blatant Deceptions-
Yang ini.. Rase nye.. Tayah explain pon tak pe kot.. People use it almost every single day.. Its easier to do this than the previously mentioned categories.. Menipu terus... Banyak reasons why people do it.. Banyak care too!!.. You can lie with yur expression, smiling tapi secretly tgh giving the other person the finger behind yur back.. You can lie with yur actions and, of course, dengan lidah anda yang bercabang itu..

Frankly my friends.. To me.. Sume same.. They are all different words describing the same thing... you can call it whatever yu want.. You can list down a gazillion reasons on why yu did what yu did and said what yu said.. The bottom line is.. you lied.. simple.. T.I.P.U.... L.I.E... (arina can spell.. yayyy!!!)... at least when you own up to it.. though you lose my trust.. at least you salvage some of my respect for coming clean in the end.. And for those of you who believe white lies exists, get off your high horse and smell the coffee.. you have denial written all over your face..

So... on that note.. i, hereby declare that honesty is NOT my best policy.. due to the simple fact that i lie... everyday.. and that.. my friends.. is the truth.. =)


Tongue Twisters

Feeling bored??..
Nobody to hang out with??..
Low on cash for entertainment?!?!

Then try the newly compiled collection of cool tongue twisters free of charge!!
All you need..
Is acceptably in working condition speech tools (i.e mouth, tongue, voice box, etc etc)

All set?!?!?! Then lets get twisting!!!

A Tudor who tooted a flute
tried to tutor two tooters to toot.
Said the two to their tutor,
"Is it harder to toot
or to tutor two tooters to toot?"

You've no need to light a night-light
On a light night like tonight,
For a night-light's light's a slight light,
And tonight's a night that's light.
When a night's light, like tonight's light,
It is really not quite right
To light night-lights with their slight lights
On a light night like tonight.

If a Hottentot taught a Hottentot tot
To talk ere the tot could totter,
Ought the Hottenton tot
Be taught to say aught, or naught,
Or what ought to be taught her?
If to hoot and to toot a Hottentot tot
Be taught by her Hottentot tutor,
Ought the tutor get hot
If the Hottentot tot
Hoot and toot at her Hottentot tutor?

Feeling adventurous??
Try some in different languages!!


Un chasseur sachant chasser chassait sans son chien de chasse.

Ton thé, t'a-t-il ôté ta toux?

Étant sorti sans parapluie, il m'eût plus plu qu'il plût plus tôt.


Namamugi, Namagome, Namatamago.


Fischers Fritze fischt frische Fische;
Frische Fische fischt Fischers Fritze.


Ingqeqebulane yaqaqela uqhoqhoqho, uqhoqhoqho waqaqela iqaqa, iqaqa laqalaza.

That's all folks!! Have a nice time trying these out... I would have to admit.. Some really twists your tongue!! *adeh lidah lenguh*


While They are Away

This weekend, Westy (other than myself) and Crofty will be away, as in not be in Manchester.. I will be left alone.. Ok that sounds a bit too dramatic...

For the record.. They are not planning to 'leave' me.. I myself decided to not go with them..

So... What should I do this weekend???...

1) The guitar hero will be all mine to go crazy over..
2) The actual guitar will be all mine to go crazy over (though this happens basically ALL the time)
3) The TV will be all mine to go crazy over..
4) Other than staying home should i go hang out???
5) Study?!?!?!?!?!!?!? (gulp!)
6) Kemas rumah... (shyt.. i have been showing minor OCD symptoms all week!!)

Aiyoohhh... Having so much freedom has never been more confusing!!!!

p/s: yes I AM focusing on things that are trivial so that i dont have to think about things that matter in my life.. Diversions are my choice of addiction..

p/s/s: for those of you who dont know..Westy represents the people who live at Great Western St (Cuna, Eizlyn, Ikmal, and yours truly) while Crofty (Crofton St) are the guys (Mun, Nikman, Zaid, Iskandar)... No idea what Deyne (Deyne Ave) will be up to though (Din, Dan and a few others whom i am not that close with)


What is wrong with 2008???!?!?!?!

For the last few months i have seen problems after problems hit people around me, the not so near ones, the complete stranger ones, and last but not least myself.. Is it something to do with the water?.. Is something addling up our brains so that this chain reaction of disaster after disaster came a-washing?!?!? How is it that other people's choices can cause a butterfly effect that can fuck up our life so completely (ok maybe not THAT complete.. just feels that way), till we feel like losing control over our own life... So can somebody PLEASE explain to me.. what the hell is wrong with 2008??


This is a very long one so if you don't want to read the whole thing, the conclusion is at the end of the post!

This is my take on Females and Relationships (or lack thereof);

It seems that the further we venture into this millennium, more and more females began to see the error of their ways in handling things. One of the branches of life that exhibits the evidence of this so called 'evolution', is the co-dependency between the female form and the opposite sex. This is known as the phenomena of relationships..

I remember the days, back when divorces were still frowned upon, the aftermath of breakups were still predictable, and of course, the yesteryears when being cheated on by your boyfriend was not unheard of, but, as a lady, you were able to deal with it in a ladylike manner (to some extent, of course)..

Lets look at the memories one at time..

Although divorces are still taboo, it is no longer a surprise when they do happen.. There was a time when the ending of a marriage will cause tongues to wag for days on end..
The typical respond for 2008??

Cerai lagi???
So bosan already la this topic!!! NEXT!!!

Unless the divorcees are celebrities, or were involved in a scandal, or are celebrities who were involved in a scandal, the story would have very little to offer in order to command people's attention... And since we are on the topic, of course we will discuss bout 'mak jandas'... These women were once feared by wives for they are looked at as husband stealers.. Nowadays that is no longer the case.. Women everywhere are accepting the fact that the crumbling down of one's marriage does not mean that one has failed as a human being.. More and more people(both men and women) are incorporating the wisdom of these two phrases;
'Shyt happens' and so 'Life must and WILL go on'
And society in general has a more blaséd attitude towards these female individuals known as the jandas.. It has become such a common thing nowadays that you can just almost hear this type of response - "divorced yer?!?! welcome to the club!!!" - becoming a normality.

Breakups - 'how females deal'
Dulu after clash dengan boyfriend, most girls would think it is somehow their fault.. This train of thought results in either one or quite possibly all of the actions below;
-barricading themselves in their rooms
-avoiding contact with other human beings
-crying their eyes out (meraung or silent crying is up to the female in question)
-talking to the bestfriend, analysing each and every day of the relationship
-refusing meals
-binge eating (chocolate, ice cream, fried chicken etc etc)
Fact of the matter is, these actions are driven primarily by sadness and guilt... Hence, they are mostly self detrimental in the pursue of comfort..

The reactions that females nowadays have towards break ups are primarily driven by anger and hatred.. The 'what-have-i-done-wrong?' syndrome has been replaced by the 'that-effing-idiot-seriously-doesn't-know-what-he's-giving-up' belief... This gave birth to the new line of counter attacks employed by women who are in the now..
-every free minute is spent with friends
-go to events to get to know new people
-probably cry a few times in a bergenang air mata kind of way.. (unless mmg yu can cry at a drop of a hat.. then that's different!)
-talking to the bestfriend, bitching bout each and every flaw the dude has
-having meals at fancy places with friends just to treat themselves
-smoking/drinking and also binge eating while doing some more bitching about the 'ex'..
-listening to songs like 'i'm not missing you' and 'it's not right but it's ok'

Do bear in mind that this does not ring true for everyone.. It's just an observation i made on the few relationship carnages that surround me.. It may just be that that's how my circle handle things.. a still self detrimental but more proactive approach to get back on track.. No longer only depending on time to heal the 'wounds'... More often than not, they end with 'omaigod puas nye ati aku!!' and 'i don't need you anymore!!' kind of feeling..

Cheating Significant Others
All i can remember is that it involves a lot of nangis.. maki hamun sane sini (extreme cases) and more or less the same things you do when you break up... Now... the things done upon discovering that your loved one is not loving you alone, are numerous, various and might involve;
-bawakking your friends to go serang his place
-scratching (him AND his car)
-spending on his credit card till he is maxed out
-taking away his sim card (or his phone if you really wanna go all the way with this one)
-evicting him out of the house
-taking back all the stuff you ever gave him
-ratting him out to his parents
-telling everybody what he did so that he feels like a real jerk

and the list goes on to involve the person he is cheating with (if the girl knew that was going on..)

-pulling her hair
-confronting her one on one to tell her what a b!tch she is
-ratting her out to HER parents
-spreading the word bout what she did (exceptionally affective if you know tons of people)
-slapping her
-splashing water to her face (very popular if jumpe kat kedai makan)

and the list goes on and on.. Am not creative enough to come up with bizarre ways to get back at the people who hurt you.. All that i have listed down are the things that i know for a fact has happened amongst the people i am acquainted with..

Anyways, you might probably be thinking.. where am i going with all these trips down memory lane and comparing them to the present times.. Actually, what i want to point out is the reactions one might receive and perceive now, compared to how it was back then, has changed tremendously.. so listed below are the conclusions..

Women/Girls have learnt, throughout years of experiments, that;
1. Blaming themselves isn't what one should do when faced with hardships in a relationship..

2. Being actively angry and lashing out is an acceptable way to cope with break ups.. Girl power and all that shyt~

3. Breaking up is not the end of the world.. Keje, cari duit, be content with yourself and the guys will find you..

and the kicker...

4. This so called co-dependency is so over-rated..

And this, my friends, is why you find more and more females who are able to move from one relationship to another quite fast, able to leave their partners just-like-that, able to not care as much and be emotionally invulnerable, and last but not least, able to call themselves a commitaphobe. The End.

p/s: this not an attack on the male population, just mere justification for myself on why we behave the way we do..

Apparently I Am BACK!

heylo people.. first things first.. i think an apology is in order for those people who do actually read my blog.. i haven't written anything new for quite some time.. it's not that i am too busy with life.. it's just that.. i did not find anything interesting to write about.. owh believe you me there were some off the charts effed up shyt happening.. i just couldnt be bothered to write about it.. uses too much of my energy.. dark posts takes a lot of brain power to produce.. and the things that happened.. phewww.. would have rendered me in a vegetative state... so yes.. sorry rakan2 for not writing!!! =P

anyways..in the last couple of months, things have been pretty topsy turvy in the relationship department for a lot of people.. i guess cupid went on a strike and decided that ending a lot of 'couplings' is an effective way to get back at.. ermm.. whoever it is that cupid is raging war against.. i've heard/seen the mildest form of separation to the down right scary types... neither extremities are pleasant but sometimes it's just something that needs to be done and over with..

some of the breakups were long overdued.. but some.. were so out of the blue and absurd that i still need time to wrap my head around them.. the whole chain of events got me thinking.. is this why more girls have guy-like attitudes.. because relationships nowadays comes and goes as easily as masak meggi.. cepat dier siap.. cepat jugak dier habis... and like eating meggi also.. the feeling of being full is not the same as makan nasi and lauk.. takes more preparation and time.. but man.. bile kenyang tu.. TEGOLEK!!!! puas hati toksah cakap lah kan...

anyhoots.. to those of you who were hit by this wave of destruction that encik cupid has produced.. you hang in there.. sunshiny days are yet to come.. surround yourself with positivity.. no point in dwelling in the dark side.. bazir mase and bazir tenaga... be with friends.. dont miss any oppurtunity to laugh and be merry... but.. if yu feel the urge to cry.. please do so.. there is no shame being sad in losing something or someone that was once precious to you ( and probably still is )... think of it as a cleansing of the soul.. if you need me to cry with you.. just get in touch and i will try my best to be there..

remember.. think happy thoughts!! cheerios~