
Apparently I Am BACK!

heylo people.. first things first.. i think an apology is in order for those people who do actually read my blog.. i haven't written anything new for quite some time.. it's not that i am too busy with life.. it's just that.. i did not find anything interesting to write about.. owh believe you me there were some off the charts effed up shyt happening.. i just couldnt be bothered to write about it.. uses too much of my energy.. dark posts takes a lot of brain power to produce.. and the things that happened.. phewww.. would have rendered me in a vegetative state... so yes.. sorry rakan2 for not writing!!! =P

anyways..in the last couple of months, things have been pretty topsy turvy in the relationship department for a lot of people.. i guess cupid went on a strike and decided that ending a lot of 'couplings' is an effective way to get back at.. ermm.. whoever it is that cupid is raging war against.. i've heard/seen the mildest form of separation to the down right scary types... neither extremities are pleasant but sometimes it's just something that needs to be done and over with..

some of the breakups were long overdued.. but some.. were so out of the blue and absurd that i still need time to wrap my head around them.. the whole chain of events got me thinking.. is this why more girls have guy-like attitudes.. because relationships nowadays comes and goes as easily as masak meggi.. cepat dier siap.. cepat jugak dier habis... and like eating meggi also.. the feeling of being full is not the same as makan nasi and lauk.. takes more preparation and time.. but man.. bile kenyang tu.. TEGOLEK!!!! puas hati toksah cakap lah kan...

anyhoots.. to those of you who were hit by this wave of destruction that encik cupid has produced.. you hang in there.. sunshiny days are yet to come.. surround yourself with positivity.. no point in dwelling in the dark side.. bazir mase and bazir tenaga... be with friends.. dont miss any oppurtunity to laugh and be merry... but.. if yu feel the urge to cry.. please do so.. there is no shame being sad in losing something or someone that was once precious to you ( and probably still is )... think of it as a cleansing of the soul.. if you need me to cry with you.. just get in touch and i will try my best to be there..

remember.. think happy thoughts!! cheerios~


als said...

Geez Rinie!! Does your brain always skipped to transmit the fact that you haven't told me you own a blog in our conversations %$2678*&@@!!


Anyhoots, I like the way you are comparing relationship with maggi. So funny tapi non-applicable lah. But while you're at it, like real maggi, many people favours maggi-relationship over masak asam because it's a lot easier. Sigh.

RINIE KEEP WRITING! Roger and out! xx

Peter Styvesent said...

thanks arina. i like ur blog so much. thanx for being there when i really needed u guys...

Raizzèn said...

Glad ur back Hun. Love.