
Here Goes Nothing

Having extracted my being from the world of blogging, i found myself once again typing away at my laptop, which at the moment is comfortably resting on my lap as its name truly implies, stringing together a list of words for the eyes of the cyber world to see. It has been almost 2 years since i last submitted a post bearing my thoughts, feelings, worries, wishes, etc etc... to be judged by other people, some of which i might not even know personally. So, here goes nothing.....

There's a very good reason why i am suddenly once again interested in becoming a blogger. The reason presented itself in the form of a conversation with a very lovable,sengal but garang-macam-singa person... That person who is very dear to me told me (very harshly i might add) that i need to open up to other people if not to them... After some considerable time thinking about it.. owh about 10 minutes to be exact... i decided... what the heck.. lets give it a try and come up with an outlet... a way for me to tell people what is playing on my mind without actually telling them... and so with the help of cik ayu pointing me in the direction i need to go to... Silent Blah Blah is born.. my sanctuary.. a mean by which i can express my inner most darkest secret... well okay not THAT deep nor dark.. have to take it slow.. Chillax a bit (my favouritest word at the moment)... maybe not now but definitely someday..

I actually wanted to comment on my facebook horoscope:

Instead of focusing on what you're lacking today, look around and notice all the amazing things you do have in your life.
but unfortunately my brain is protesting and refuses to deal anymore with words... i think the guilt of not doing the new feed calculation for my lab project is somehow forcing it to realign its thinking mechanism to focus on numbers instead.. plus i already forgot what i wanted to say in the first place.. haha.. old age.. inevitable... so i guess i'll save my 'words of wisdom' for some other day.. get ready people.. the new 'out there' arina is on the rise... see ya!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good good!